Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom Teeth Removal 

Mandatory Wisdom Teeth Removal 

Wisdom teeth removal is a common action, 9 out of 10 people are accusing the problem of needing to have at least one wisdom tooth removed. Removal of wisdom teeth appears from two causes: the teeth are already impacted or they could cause problems for the entire body if not extracted. We already presented all of these in our previous article.

A wisdom teeth removal can be performed by a simple dentist or if you are really scared of this procedure you can turn to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. However, rest assured by now because, in general, this is a simple operation that will run smooth and everything will go back to normal in no time. So there is no point in delaying having wisdom teeth removal especially that by now everyone has been informed on the consequences of wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth removal can only be postponed in one situation: for the patients that are suffering from infections. If some of our readers are in this unpleasant situation we advise them to do to a dentist and have some antibiotics prescribed. If you are lucky in a number of days you can undergo wisdom teeth removal.

When to Undergo Wisdom Teeth Removal

When people think of dentists they also think of costs, especially if they are not benefiting from insurance or the insurance doesn’t cover the procedure. The cost basically differs from country to country. This article is written for people with wisdom teeth problems in order to persuade them to take action the sooner the better without putting in balance the cost. Think of your health and of your comfort.

Moreover, the wisdom teeth removal will go much easier if the teeth are extracted as they appear, meaning in the early or late twenties. With age the pain intensifies and the roots become stronger so more effort is put into the extraction.

Wisdom teeth removal can be performed for all four teeth under the same procedure, for those that want to get rid of this problem at once. A general anesthesia is performed however if you want to decide for this solving problems at once procedure think of the fact that the recovering period can be much harder. Pain can be more intense in the case of wisdom teeth removal for the entire four third molars.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery Time

Taking into consideration that everyone is anesthetized for wisdom teeth removal and that patients can ask for a prescription from their dentist for alleviating the pain after the effect of the anesthesia passes, things couldn’t more brighter and more simpler.

The recovery time after undergoing wisdom teeth removal is mainly accompanied by the following:

• Possible bleeding in the first 24 hours

• For smokers, they should not smoke for the first 24 hours after wisdom teeth removal

• Swelling gums that can also heal much slower

• Difficulty in opening the jaw

• Painful inflammation named dry socket, appearing if the protective blood cloth is lost too early

• Renouncement to solid foods during the healing process

We hope that this article has convinced each reader of the easiness and enormous benefits of undergoing wisdom teeth removal.

Wisdom Teeth Recovery

Wisdom Teeth Recovery 

Wisdom Teeth Recovery Introduction 

When you are not one of the few fortunate people who have their wisdom teeth aligned with the others extraction is not necessary however in the majority of cases removal is mandatory that is why we are presenting everything there must be known about wisdom teeth recovery. This is a complete article on what happens after a wisdom tooth is removed by a dentist or by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. 

The wisdom teeth recovery is not that different from a recovery that occurs after having extracted a normal tooth so if some of our readers have been there they know how the recovery process happens in general lines. Also, we advise readers that have already underwent a wisdom teeth recovery and know that is nothing frightening and no excruciating pain is involved to convince their frightened friends to have their wisdom teeth removed, it will benefit their overall health. 

Wisdom Teeth Recovery First 24 Hours 

A wisdom teeth recovery will trouble patients for only a few days, which is the general period until life goes back to being like it used to, without pain or painkillers and blood in the mouth or numb lips and tong that are just waking up from the effects of the anesthesia. 

Immediately after anesthesia wears off begins the wisdom teeth recovery and let this article warn our readers that it is quite a brutal beginning of a recovery. Pain will invade your mouth but don’t panic because your dentist or oral surgeon has prescribed you painkillers so in the following hours of wisdom teeth recovery most patients sleep like babies. When waking up the pain would have disappeared. 

Following in describing the wisdom teeth recovery, our attention should be concentrated on the first 24 hours after removal. Patients have an open wound in their mouth, which means bleeding in those first 24 hours of recovery. Bleeding is good because the cloth of blood prevents infection. Nevertheless, in order to avoid excessive bleeding avoid intense effort or lying flat, rest your head on pillows. 

Wisdom Teeth Recovery More Tips 

Definitely in the period of wisdom teeth recovery patients should eat only soft foods and only after healing makes its presence noticed more solid foods can be introduced in the diet. Even if you are on a diet of soft foods and in a healing process do not use a straw. 

In the 24 hours period of wisdom teeth recovery, smokers should refrain from this habit because smoking decreases blood supply and the risk of infection is leveled. Furthermore, do not touch the area with your tongue or fingers where your wisdom tooth used to be situated. 

During the period of wisdom teeth recovery we advise patients to reduce swelling and alleviate pain by rinsing their mouths with warm salt water a few times a day. Even if you are during a period of wisdom teeth recovery do not give up to brushing your teeth, after solving a problem you really don’t want to be obliged to pay your dentist another visit.

Wisdom Teeth Pain

Wisdom Teeth Pain 

Wisdom Teeth Pain Causes 

Wisdom teeth or otherwise known as the four third molars are the last teeth appearing in our mouths, when we already are in our early twenties so wisdom teeth pain is a consequence of these teeth breaking our gums. 

Therefore, how are we signaled that our mouth will receive a new brand tooth in our Age of Wisdom? It is by the wisdom teeth pain. This is one pain that we cannot get away from, wisdom teeth are bound to appear in every single individual around the globe and the pain is the accompaniment. A wisdom tooth doesn’t appear overnight, it is a long process that can develop over a number of months or maybe a year. 

Rest assured, this doesn’t mean that wisdom teeth pain will be felt throughout this period. The difficult time with wisdom teeth is until they completely break the gums. Until that moment occurs, gums are inflamed, red, and sore. One advice, that might seem peculiar for some of our readers, is to chew gum. Gum chewed in the spots where wisdom teeth pain is located acts like a massage, alleviating the pain. Another cure for sore gums is to wash your mouth with medium hot water and a spoon of salt. 

Wisdom Teeth Pain in the Case of Impacted Teeth 

Wisdom teeth pain can transcend the period when teeth are penetrating gums and can be extended throughout the period of appearance in the case of impacted teeth. As we already mentioned, these are misaligned teeth that can cause serious health problems. So wisdom teeth removal is definitely mandatory in this case. Your dentist will know for sure when extraction is to be performed and until then antibiotics will be prescribed to prevent bacteria, which leads to infections. 

In the case of impacted teeth the wisdom teeth pain can be quite persistent and not only when the gums are touched or when eating, as in the case of mild wisdom teeth pain experienced by the lucky persons. For our readers that our going through a period of more severe pain and their normal activities cannot be developed due to the pain, we will recommend some remedies to help everyone pass through this period. 

Wisdom Teeth Pain Relief Solutions 

Wisdom teeth pain can be really intense for some persons, being characterized as one of the worst pains, individuals that just cannot wait to have them removed or for those that are more fortunate it just feels as a pulsating pain in the gums that incommodes them when eating. 

Some of the solutions to obtain some relief in the case of pain generated by the appearance of wisdom teeth are: 

Aspirin, a classic cure that doesn’t require a prescription and can really help with the pain 

Ibuprofen for more severe wisdom teeth pain. Do not overdose because then you will become immune to the effect of Ibuprofen 

Benzocaine, an ingredient found in gels, which has a high rate of success in relieving pain 

Prescriptions for relieving wisdom teeth pain will summon medication based on Codeine and Hydrocodone, and Oxycodone, the latter being considered class 2 narcotics so these are to be used in extreme situations.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted Wisdom Teeth 

Everything about Impacted Wisdom Teeth 

Impacted wisdom teeth appear when teeth don’t succeed in penetrating the gums. This happens due to lack of space in the mouth. Since wisdom teeth are the last ones to appear, between the ages of 17 and 25 all people are experiencing the appearance of the four third molars, not having enough space for penetrating the gums and becoming aligned with the rest of the teeth is quite an understandable situation. 

That is why, people experiencing impacted wisdom teeth must understand an essential thing and mustn’t be scared of something terrible happening to them: impacted wisdom teeth are incredibly common, so frequently encountered that nine out of ten persons are affected by at least one impacted wisdom tooth. 

Impacted Wisdom Teeth Treatment 

Since this particular category of teeth is so common, dentists have found solutions for alleviating people from this medical problem: extraction. It is the only recommended treatment and in no time, without suffering too much the problem will be resolved and everything will go back to normal, all teeth being beautifully aligned just as before this inconvenience. 

As in any extraction, the one applied for the removal of impacted wisdom teeth is not too different, especially in what concerns recovery. So if, by now you have had at least one tooth extracted you know exactly how the process takes place and moreover you know that is nothing to be scared off. The only difference in concern to impacted wisdom teeth is that the dentist will have to put a little more effort in the extraction but that is not the patient’s concern because he is under anesthesia. 

There are four categories of impacted wisdom teeth: horizontal impaction, vertical impaction, teeth that are angled towards the front of the month being also the most frequent type of impaction, and teeth that are angled towards the rear of the mouth. A CT scan easily reveals the type of impaction and the dentist will now exactly how to operate. The wisdom teeth situated in the lower jaw are easily extracted. 

Impacted Wisdom Teeth Extracted 

Readers of this article who haven’t gone through the experience of wisdom teeth might wonder how they will know when impacted wisdom teeth appear. It is nothing simpler because it involves pain, a messenger our readers cannot miss. When wisdom teeth are trying to penetrate through gums the pain can be quite intense, depending from person to person. There are some individuals that only suffer from sore, inflamed gums, and that is the whole story with impacted wisdom teeth. 

Impacted wisdom teeth should be extracted from a younger age, as soon as they have completely grown because in this period of life their roots are younger and the extraction will go effortlessly. Furthermore, teeth affected by impaction cannot be cleaned so they can cause infection, which can spread throughout the organism. No one should wait until that happens and then go to the dentist because there is no other solution. 

Have those impacted wisdom teeth removed in due time, without suffering terrible consequences.

wisdom teeth

Wisdom Teeth 

Wisdom Teeth Introduction 

Wisdom teeth appear generally in number of four, being also named the third molars. I mentioned the word generally before stating the number of these particular teeth because there are people that have less than four wisdom teeth appearing, a situation named hypodontia. Also, in the other extreme are situated individuals that have unfortunately more wisdom teeth than the official number, and this is known as supernumerary. 

The appearance of wisdom teeth occurs starting with the age of 17 and it lasts until the age of 25. It is quite a long period and we will closely examine how the appearance of these teeth impacts our lives, what are the consequences of wisdom teeth appearing, and what it should be done in these situations. It is better to say from the start that this period, when our mouth benefits from extra pairs of teeth, is not at all pleasant. 

Wisdom Teeth Dental Issues 

Wisdom teeth, the latest teeth to appear in our mouth are not really welcomed by anyone. There are cases in which this third pair of molars grows straight, healthy, and properly aligned, in which case they are more than welcomed and no action is to be taken if the person does not want to. This happens because no problems will appear in the future due to these teeth appeared in our Age of Wisdom. 

However, the general situation all around the world is that wisdom teeth can cause lots of problems. The first problem is impacted teeth. It occurs when a teeth hasn’t enough space available for growing, for penetrating the gums. This situation is so often encountered that 9 out of 10 people have at least one impacted wisdom tooth. 

The impaction can be vertical, horizontal, the tooth angled backwards, or towards the front of the mouth. With impacted teeth is not only about having one misaligned tooth. The following situations that damage our health and state of being can appear: crowding and damaging other teeth, damaging the nerves or the jawbone. 

Wisdom Teeth Medical Problems 

In order to avoid such unfortunate occurrences, which as the readers can see are harder to be treated or brought back to their previous form, wisdom teeth are extracted. It is a natural thing to occur and no one should be afraid of it. Dentists are there to help us with the problems of our wisdom teeth. 

Through this article it would be appropriate if people would be warned also about other happenings brought by the appearance of wisdom teeth. Since these are the last pair of teeth to appear, they are placed a long way back. I think everyone understood that brushing becomes increasingly more difficult for wisdom teeth. When the toothbrush doesn’t completely clean an area infection can appear. Bacteria are a factor that leads to gum disease. With bacteria this is the most fortunate situation because it can enter into the bloodstream leading to infections in the organism thus affecting our vital organs. 

Wisdom teeth are not a pleasant subject however no one can escape from them and through our articles we will support people in their sufferings and problems caused by these late appearing teeth.