Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom Teeth Removal 

Mandatory Wisdom Teeth Removal 

Wisdom teeth removal is a common action, 9 out of 10 people are accusing the problem of needing to have at least one wisdom tooth removed. Removal of wisdom teeth appears from two causes: the teeth are already impacted or they could cause problems for the entire body if not extracted. We already presented all of these in our previous article.

A wisdom teeth removal can be performed by a simple dentist or if you are really scared of this procedure you can turn to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. However, rest assured by now because, in general, this is a simple operation that will run smooth and everything will go back to normal in no time. So there is no point in delaying having wisdom teeth removal especially that by now everyone has been informed on the consequences of wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth removal can only be postponed in one situation: for the patients that are suffering from infections. If some of our readers are in this unpleasant situation we advise them to do to a dentist and have some antibiotics prescribed. If you are lucky in a number of days you can undergo wisdom teeth removal.

When to Undergo Wisdom Teeth Removal

When people think of dentists they also think of costs, especially if they are not benefiting from insurance or the insurance doesn’t cover the procedure. The cost basically differs from country to country. This article is written for people with wisdom teeth problems in order to persuade them to take action the sooner the better without putting in balance the cost. Think of your health and of your comfort.

Moreover, the wisdom teeth removal will go much easier if the teeth are extracted as they appear, meaning in the early or late twenties. With age the pain intensifies and the roots become stronger so more effort is put into the extraction.

Wisdom teeth removal can be performed for all four teeth under the same procedure, for those that want to get rid of this problem at once. A general anesthesia is performed however if you want to decide for this solving problems at once procedure think of the fact that the recovering period can be much harder. Pain can be more intense in the case of wisdom teeth removal for the entire four third molars.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery Time

Taking into consideration that everyone is anesthetized for wisdom teeth removal and that patients can ask for a prescription from their dentist for alleviating the pain after the effect of the anesthesia passes, things couldn’t more brighter and more simpler.

The recovery time after undergoing wisdom teeth removal is mainly accompanied by the following:

• Possible bleeding in the first 24 hours

• For smokers, they should not smoke for the first 24 hours after wisdom teeth removal

• Swelling gums that can also heal much slower

• Difficulty in opening the jaw

• Painful inflammation named dry socket, appearing if the protective blood cloth is lost too early

• Renouncement to solid foods during the healing process

We hope that this article has convinced each reader of the easiness and enormous benefits of undergoing wisdom teeth removal.