Wisdom Teeth Recovery
Wisdom Teeth Recovery Introduction
When you are not one of the few fortunate people who have their wisdom teeth aligned with the others extraction is not necessary however in the majority of cases removal is mandatory that is why we are presenting everything there must be known about wisdom teeth recovery. This is a complete article on what happens after a wisdom tooth is removed by a dentist or by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.
The wisdom teeth recovery is not that different from a recovery that occurs after having extracted a normal tooth so if some of our readers have been there they know how the recovery process happens in general lines. Also, we advise readers that have already underwent a wisdom teeth recovery and know that is nothing frightening and no excruciating pain is involved to convince their frightened friends to have their wisdom teeth removed, it will benefit their overall health.
Wisdom Teeth Recovery First 24 Hours
A wisdom teeth recovery will trouble patients for only a few days, which is the general period until life goes back to being like it used to, without pain or painkillers and blood in the mouth or numb lips and tong that are just waking up from the effects of the anesthesia.
Immediately after anesthesia wears off begins the wisdom teeth recovery and let this article warn our readers that it is quite a brutal beginning of a recovery. Pain will invade your mouth but don’t panic because your dentist or oral surgeon has prescribed you painkillers so in the following hours of wisdom teeth recovery most patients sleep like babies. When waking up the pain would have disappeared.
Following in describing the wisdom teeth recovery, our attention should be concentrated on the first 24 hours after removal. Patients have an open wound in their mouth, which means bleeding in those first 24 hours of recovery. Bleeding is good because the cloth of blood prevents infection. Nevertheless, in order to avoid excessive bleeding avoid intense effort or lying flat, rest your head on pillows.
Wisdom Teeth Recovery More Tips
Definitely in the period of wisdom teeth recovery patients should eat only soft foods and only after healing makes its presence noticed more solid foods can be introduced in the diet. Even if you are on a diet of soft foods and in a healing process do not use a straw.
In the 24 hours period of wisdom teeth recovery, smokers should refrain from this habit because smoking decreases blood supply and the risk of infection is leveled. Furthermore, do not touch the area with your tongue or fingers where your wisdom tooth used to be situated.
During the period of wisdom teeth recovery we advise patients to reduce swelling and alleviate pain by rinsing their mouths with warm salt water a few times a day. Even if you are during a period of wisdom teeth recovery do not give up to brushing your teeth, after solving a problem you really don’t want to be obliged to pay your dentist another visit.