Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Everything about Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Impacted wisdom teeth appear when teeth don’t succeed in penetrating the gums. This happens due to lack of space in the mouth. Since wisdom teeth are the last ones to appear, between the ages of 17 and 25 all people are experiencing the appearance of the four third molars, not having enough space for penetrating the gums and becoming aligned with the rest of the teeth is quite an understandable situation.
That is why, people experiencing impacted wisdom teeth must understand an essential thing and mustn’t be scared of something terrible happening to them: impacted wisdom teeth are incredibly common, so frequently encountered that nine out of ten persons are affected by at least one impacted wisdom tooth.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth Treatment
Since this particular category of teeth is so common, dentists have found solutions for alleviating people from this medical problem: extraction. It is the only recommended treatment and in no time, without suffering too much the problem will be resolved and everything will go back to normal, all teeth being beautifully aligned just as before this inconvenience.
As in any extraction, the one applied for the removal of impacted wisdom teeth is not too different, especially in what concerns recovery. So if, by now you have had at least one tooth extracted you know exactly how the process takes place and moreover you know that is nothing to be scared off. The only difference in concern to impacted wisdom teeth is that the dentist will have to put a little more effort in the extraction but that is not the patient’s concern because he is under anesthesia.
There are four categories of impacted wisdom teeth: horizontal impaction, vertical impaction, teeth that are angled towards the front of the month being also the most frequent type of impaction, and teeth that are angled towards the rear of the mouth. A CT scan easily reveals the type of impaction and the dentist will now exactly how to operate. The wisdom teeth situated in the lower jaw are easily extracted.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth Extracted
Readers of this article who haven’t gone through the experience of wisdom teeth might wonder how they will know when impacted wisdom teeth appear. It is nothing simpler because it involves pain, a messenger our readers cannot miss. When wisdom teeth are trying to penetrate through gums the pain can be quite intense, depending from person to person. There are some individuals that only suffer from sore, inflamed gums, and that is the whole story with impacted wisdom teeth.
Impacted wisdom teeth should be extracted from a younger age, as soon as they have completely grown because in this period of life their roots are younger and the extraction will go effortlessly. Furthermore, teeth affected by impaction cannot be cleaned so they can cause infection, which can spread throughout the organism. No one should wait until that happens and then go to the dentist because there is no other solution.
Have those impacted wisdom teeth removed in due time, without suffering terrible consequences.